You only have to look at what is happening in France and soon in Britain to understand what lays ahead here in the USA. Millions of illegal aliens have already invaded and it will only take a Ft. Sumpter style event to be the catalyst for National Mayem to ignite.

When that happens, it will make France's current lawlessness look elementary in comparison.

Patriotic Americans need to recognize that this is no longer fantasy or conspiratorial imagination. It's REAL and it's COMING! Buckle up!

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Good article.. It is fifth generation warfare.

“Psychological warfare is probably man’s oldest weapon, aside from bare hands. In using it in today’s dirty, secretive wars, or in the future, the important thing to remember is that it is a weapon-and that a weapon has its own unique use and its own effect.”

—Col. Edward G. Lansdale, “Military Psychological Operations: Part 11,” lecture delivered at the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia, in March 1960

Public politics is all Kayfab , including its scripted "heros" like DeSantis or Obama and its "villains " like Biden or Trump. Or any combination of perspectives.. doesn't matter as long as schismogenesis is achieved.

Kayfabe: the portrayal of staged events in professional wrestling as real. Using the pro wrestling lexicon to describe American politics is increasingly apt. The distinction between "kayfabe" and "fake" is subtle yet significant. In wrestling, sometimes the blood is real, and occasionally, performers deviate from the script.*

One thing should be clear.. if the system has put someone front and center and covers their story.. they are neither hero or villain, just useful role players in the modern Commedia dell'arte. The real villains are back stage like OZ and the hero.. well it has a thousand faces. ( Campbell) .. All warfare is based on deception , never more so than the modern iteration.

Only hope to change this system of mass society formation is a Carrington level or greater solar flare or CME. Seek individual victory, claim your own mind and life. Find a way to be happy, enjoy time with your family and walk with Christ.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Michael Belcher

There is a way to protect ourselves and defeat this enemy that may seem counterintuitive. That enemy's list. Filled with names of those who seek wrong ideas, express ideas of defiance, go wrong places. That list we see allies pulled from and targeted for persecution and prosecution. The injustices that are intended to intimidate us and drive our resistance to despair or deeper underground.

That. That list. We must add to it, not allow it to shrink. We must grow it. We must not hide our strength in numbers in fear of suffering the wrath of our overlords. We must resist the natural urge to duck into self-preservation mode. Because that is the sure-fire way freedom loses.

Land of the free. Home of the brave. That is what bravery looks like in this new war. Wherever they say go we go the opposite direction. Wherever they say don't go we go to. When they declare something "dangerous dis/misinformation" conspiracy sources we turn to them first for information. When they say an organization is a hate organization we ask how to join it. When someone is declared persona non grata and cancelled we embrace them. Even if we think they are distasteful and offensive ourselves.

We don't shrink our numbers and cower in fear as they want us to do. We grow them. Our resolve grows to do that which they say we cannot or ought not do.

The law of the Serengeti applies. We must grow the size of our herd to protect us from the predators. Yes, some will be picked off and lose everything. But the herd survives. Even lions stand aside for a herd of gazelles. There are more of us. Herd protection is a real thing. Not just for infectious disease.

It requires bravery. Doing what we know to be right. It doesn't mean commit crimes of violence or other naturally unsympathetic acts that violate the morals and conscience of natural law. But violating man's law, a positive law system of man's administrative fancy isn't naturally unsympathetic or immoral. Walking against the arrows in a supermarket might anger the Karen's. But nobody else, who may only get annoyed.

Even associating with the truly distasteful and offensive may seem odious for our personal tastes. The ACLU sent Jewish lawyers out to defend Nazi's for the longest time (before they went woke) to protect and defend the American principles and values of free speech, free ideas, free expression.

This. This is how we reclaim our birthright and the blessings bequeathed upon us by our nation's forefathers, by God Almighty himself. Our national cemeteries are filled with those who gave their all, their last final measure to protect our values of liberty and justice for all.

Freedom truly isn't free. It's not just a saying once paid for forever paid for. It must be paid by all generations that wish to be free. For now, the cost of freedom is primarily a cancel culture penalty. We might lose our jobs, friends, family members. We might wake up to lasers on our chests from armed DOJ goons at 5am and sent to a gulag in a faraway hostile district to be judged by non-peers in a show trial and sentenced to hard time.

But we fight for our freedom as I've described anyways. And when one falls to the fire of our overlords we pick up their fight and continue the attack. In wars of old the flagbearer led the attacks. And all in the army followed it into fire. Enemies aimed their fire at the flagbearer until he dropped. And then the closest to the flag picked it up, continuing the charge until he too was felled. Over and over. Each who picked up the flag knew they had about 30 seconds of life left in this world. And they picked it up anyways. True bravery.

If the army was filled with brave souls it would become the fiercest, most feared army of all. Those armies that let the flag lie on the ground were routed. A flag running to the rear was an army retreating, suffering a defeat.

What is our army of freedom and liberty made of? These are the times that try our souls. Do we want freedom enough to suffer the harms and indignities meted out by this adversarial government and commerce system? Are we made of the right stuff that those who came before us were?

We must grow our herd of the brave and find safety in our numbers. Not allow it to shrink with each of us cowering in the night, afraid of the door bursting in at night. Censoring ourselves, obeying in hopes the predators pass us by. One path is thought risky, one path is thought safe. But only the risky path leads to freedom. The safe path leads to slavery. Or a slow, passive death. Of body and soul.

Happy Independence Day! Let's earn it!

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Michael Belcher

"The crimes of our ruling family are rubbed in our faces daily. They want us to feel maximum anger so that their next blow, the slow rollout of anti-justice in which nobody is held to account and the innocent are sentenced to rot, results in maximum demoralization."

And if not maximum demoralization -- or in addition thereto -- they just might get someone to take the ticket to Fort Sumter, and provide the pretext for whatever Enabling Act the regime has got teed up. I think EO 13603 is a plausible candidate.

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Joe says you need F16's to win against the Gubmint (even though the Taliban didn't have any)

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Michael Belcher

Excellent article. Subscribing now. Great analysis

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... and the scales fell from his eyes ...

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The Indians showed the settlers how to fight and defeat the British. Previous wars were fought with stationed lines of infantry (see The Red Coats). The Americans learned how to attack and fight from behind trees, ambush, and depleat the British. It wasn't the Gentlemanly fighting the Brits were expecting. Our War for Independence was a strategic game changer, and it was the friendly Natives that taught us this.

Currently, the Communists are lined up like the Red Coats. They do not fear exposure due to their perceived might. They are trying to incite a civil war because they feel they will win. In a traditional sense, they would. So it's time to consider not the nontraditional. # rule in today's fight... don't tell them.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Michael Belcher


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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Michael Belcher

I know exactly what they"re doing! I'm beyond angry, and rightfully so! I will never comply. To Hell with the government and everyone who controls them. You'll have to kill me!

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If the Indians were fighting this, there would be "turkeys" disappearing from the back of the flock, until all the flockers are disappeared

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Michael Belcher

They never assault directly, in fact. For example, as any paid-up Fact Check Officer will tell you, the RESTRICT Act banning VPNs was Mostly False; when, obviously, the VPN shops instead go on military-industrial welfare to join the FedVPN family of brands.

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That's... not a great takeaway...

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This only ends one way, and the side willing to be the most violent will win. Ask yourself, why do we think targeted assassinations aren’t the answer? Why are we conditioned to think that and who are the ones doing the conditioning?

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Absent valid elections Americans now face one of two prospects; subjugation and subservience or living through a domestic war. For a small percentage of Americans leaving may be an option (a door which will likely close at some point), but understand to be free of DC you must renounce US citizenship which means you first need a second citizenship. There may be some small prospect of a freedom loving state or region seceding peacefully but I for one wouldn't count on it.

The choice may not be a popular for many but I've decided leaving is the only reasonable option at this point, tragically. I say tragically because I have no desire to leave, I love the US but I'm not going to be subjugated and I have no interest in engaging in a dreadfully destructive and probably long fight. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the people of our nation but the pack of self serving sociopaths who've installed themselves in DC are turning our country into an intolerable toxic environment.

Note, an important distinction needs to be made between the small group of mentally unwell individuals who are in control of DC and various institutions around out nation (e.g. "news" media) and the great many well intentioned but credulous Americans who aren't mentally disturbed authoritarians even though they support expanding tyranny, unwittingly (the gullible masses/Lenin's "useful idiots"). For whatever it is worth most of them will eventually come to understand what is being done to the country, no doubt, albeit too late.

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Great article!

Rocks and sticks

Swords and Arrows

Red coats and muskets

Missiles and planes

Biological and chemical


Computers and drones

Lawfare and info/psyop warfare

Unrestricted (strategic use all of the above)

We must focus on bigger picture and not ascribe to “the narrative”

Fly your flags unrelentingly

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